
Hebrews 6, Proverbs 1 . . . These Are Scary Passages!

If we had a “most popular” topic on the website, this might be it. People are forever thinking they’re not saved because they’ve committed heinous sins or because they’ve sinned for long periods of time.

That is not what the Bible teaches. Look at David and what he did with Bathsheeba and Uriah. Look at Manasseh and the evils that he did. Look at Peter. Look at Paul. There are so many in the Bible that committed purposeful and high-handed sins. Yet they received forgiveness.

And so can you. So can you.

Rather than get sidetracked by the enemy on our past sins, we must be like Paul and forget those things which are behind so that we might press forward for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14).  He is faithful and just to forgive our sins, if we do not waiver but hold fast to His promise to do just that. 

Lies & Confession

In your situation, you have confessed your sin to your wife, but not all the details, and you lied about some of them. She has forgiven you and expressed her forgiveness in terms of covering even what she does not know. She does not wish to know more. You, however, are bothered by your lies and want to confess them to her, hoping the confession will give you peace.

Paul Holway’s Christian Testimony – He Took a Life and God Gave Him One

This testimony rocked my world. I didn’t know what to think for a while. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized our God does work this way.

Humans have a difficult time forgiving, but our God always forgives us when we confess our sin, repent and forsake our sin. He is a God of mercy.

Is It Possible to Survive Abortion? Um, Yeah. It Is.

Read this amazing story story of an abortion survivor. Yeah, you read that right.

Before Melissa was born, her tiny body was soaked in a solution of toxic saline for five days. The abortionist was attempting to perform a saline-induced abortion. But when labor was induced, she arrived in the world—very much alive.

Sometimes Life Gets Difficult Before It Gets Better

Renee submitted her testimony recently (really) and as I read it, I was thinking, “This isn’t fair.” But I appreciate Renee’s attitude about her own situation.

Enter a series of God-intervening events that brought intense pain, bewilderment and trauma but which I see now as very loving.

Faith Plus Baptism? Or Faith Alone?

This is the never-ending topic. I think, perhaps, we shouldn’t post any more articles on it. But here’s one more.

If Jesus said that those who believe will be saved, then that is what I affirm.  I add nothing to it lest I be found adding to His word.  It is not faith plus works.  It is not faith plus circumcision.  It is not faith plus keeping the law.  It is not faith plus the Lord’s supper.  It is not faith plus assembling with the believers.  It is not faith plus baptism. 

Jesus—The Eternal God

Not too long ago (depending on how you count time), someone sent in the following, somewhat obscure question. As always, Tim took the time to give a substantial answer.

I have been a Christian for almost 4 years now and one thing has always confused me. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and in so doing, took our punishment and paid our debt. Yet, if we don’t have Christ, our debt requires an eternity in hell. How is it that His one time death on earth paid for our eternity in hell?

Cigarette Addiction Is Powerful

Chris was freed from cigarette addiction by God in an instant.

I find this testimony refreshing. We often forget that God still works miracles. He is the same God who parted the waters of the Red Sea, saved Daniel from the lions, walked on water and rose from the dead. Do you believe that God did these things and that He still can?


Being freed from addiction is not as dramatic as any of these miracles, but it is still a miracle and proof that God still works in wondrous ways today.