Sinners or Saints?

As Christians, should we think of ourselves as sinners? Or should we consider ourselves holy, blameless saints?

Sometimes you’ll hear a Christian say something like, “We’re all just a bunch of sinners.” I suppose one could consider it semantics, but we believe that viewing ourselves as “holy” and “blameless” and “set apart” is an integral part of conforming our minds to that image.

Here’s something else to consider. How does God view Christ-followers? Does the Bible really address it?

Tim tries to set out our view in the following article:

Sinners or Saints

2 thoughts on “Sinners or Saints?”

  1. Wow, I love Tim’s response to this question…I’ve heard even pastors refer to believers as “a bunch of sinners,” rather than saints who sometimes sin. Thanks for a clear, Biblical answer.

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