Soft Scoop

An entertaining Christian poem reminding us to be patient.

Poems bore me sometimes (sorry) but this one’s good. I know, I’m weird; I have a section on my site devoted to poems and my attitude toward them sucks. But occasionally I come across a gem I really like so it makes reading them all worthwhile (I’m being a little goofy here; there are many truly amazing original poems on our poetry page).

Anyway, I’m off topic. You need to check out this poem – Soft Scoop.

It’s written by a guy (Mike Bullock) who calls himself “versical” and I can see why. He’s skilled at the art of wordsmithing.

One thought on “Soft Scoop”

  1. Thank you for this poem. I find it not only entertaining, as you say, but it speaks to me of the everyday struggles of life, and how we need to keep God involved in all of them.

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