Forgive Yourself

Mike’s poem reminds us that it is possible to forget our past lives of guilt and shame. We are new creations in Christ.

Mike’s latest poem speaks of guilt . . . and letting go. It’s easy to hold onto past sins and tell ourselves we aren’t worthy of God’s calling. But we are. We’ve been washed clean. We are white as snow. Our sins are forgiven and forgotten. We are sanctified. Holy. Accepted. Washed. Renewed. We are new creations in Jesus. Amen.

Forgive Yourself

Jesus Paid My Debt

This poem reminds us of the heavy debt Jesus paid for us. He gave His life so we could be free of sin’s bondage.

This poem was recently (well, not so recently; I’ve been busy and my computer’s been in the shop) submitted to us. It’s a beautiful reminder of the debt that Jesus paid for us. He gave His life. He paid for our sins. He paid the debt that we owe.

Jesus Paid My Debt

A Biblical Approach to Confessing Sin

Confessing sin – a Biblical approach.

The Bible tells us to confess sin. James 5:16 specifically says to confess our sins to one another and pray for one another. But what is the context of this verse? And are there other verses in Scripture that mandate confessing sins to one another? Should we reveal all the gory details of the sin when we confess? What is the Biblical pattern for confession of sin?

We attempt to answer that question in our article, A Biblical Approach to Confessing Sin.