The Guilt of Sin Can Be Debilitating

Sometimes the weight of our sin can weigh us down to the point that we question our salvation.

All of us have things in our past that are now fully repulsive to us. We wish so much that we could have a redo and blot that thing out of our lives. And, of course, this is precisely what Jesus offers us. He takes our ugliness and our sin from us and nails it to His cross, then He offers us a new life in Him.

How Can I Remove the Constant Guilt of Sin?

Forgive Yourself

Mike’s poem reminds us that it is possible to forget our past lives of guilt and shame. We are new creations in Christ.

Mike’s latest poem speaks of guilt . . . and letting go. It’s easy to hold onto past sins and tell ourselves we aren’t worthy of God’s calling. But we are. We’ve been washed clean. We are white as snow. Our sins are forgiven and forgotten. We are sanctified. Holy. Accepted. Washed. Renewed. We are new creations in Jesus. Amen.

Forgive Yourself

Will God Forgive Intentional Sin?

Will God forgive deliberate sin? Adultery? Theft? Greed? Lust? What if the sin has continued for a long time?

Adultery. Theft. Greed. Lust. Lying.

Sometimes Christians sin. And sometimes, Christians sin deliberately. When we make conscious decisions to ignore God’s direction and do our own thing, we put Him to open shame.

As life progresses and sin expands, feelings of hopelessness and doubt creep in.

“I’ll never be able to change.”
“I’ve been doing this way too long.”
“I won’t pray anymore. God won’t listen to me anyway.”
“If I died tonight, I’d wake up in hell.”
“What if all this is just a waste of my time? Is there really an invisible God in the sky?”

Ongoing sin produces guilt, doubt and complacency.

But if willful or intentional sins cannot be forgiven, then none of us have any hope.

Read our latest article:  Will God Forgive Intentional Sin?