Thank you Lanette for your first poem submitted to our site! It’s something I think about a lot. Do my children know the all-encompassing love of the Father? Do they realize that His love is deeper than mine? Do they understand that His love is eternal? My job, as their earthly father, is to help them develop their relationship with their heavenly Father.
Category: Poetry
Empty Vessel – A Christian Poem by Mike
Mike and Mark keep sending in thought-provoking and encouraging poetry. I have loads to publish — I’m just slow to do so. Pray for focus for me so I can get more poems posted, more testimonies posted, and more of Tim’s work posted. Thanks again for your poetry Mike. It’s much appreciated.
One Day – Another Poem from Mark T
Mark has been sending me inspirational poems for the last couple weeks. Pretty regularly, I’ll get a text with some inspired words sent for the purpose of encouraging me! And the words are coming at a time when I really need encouragement. It reminds me that a kindly-placed word carries much weight. Here’s one of his recent poems.
Another Poem by Mark
Mark has a tendency to write poems when he’s on the city bus, his way to work. I’m not sure that this one was born in that fashion, but I’d bet it was. Do you have a time like that each day that you can devote to the Lord? Thanks Mark, for the encouraging poem.
Christmas Poems Written by Tim Binder
Many of us who knew Tim knew he was quite the poet. But for others, well, maybe they didn’t know. Tim loved the Christmas season. He loved the lights, the music, the decorations, the fellowship . . . but most of all, he loved Jesus, the One whose birth and life we celebrate.
I went out to dinner with Tim on a Tuesday night a few weeks ago. As we ate, I watched him. He looked weak. His hand shook as he brought his fork to his lips. His body shuddered as he walked through the cold to his car. He said, as we ate, “I’m not going to put up my Christmas lights this year.”
“What are you talking about? Of course you are. Why wouldn’t you?”
“If I go downhill as fast in the coming month as I have the previous month, I won’t be able to take them down.”
I reminded Tim of the story he once told me about his dad–how he worked in the fields until the end. And about how he (Tim) wanted to do the same. Live until the end. “You’re going to put up your lights,” I told him. “I’ll be there tomorrow after work.”
After work, I headed to Tim’s and we got busy. The kids ran around, watching in awe as Tim climbed up on his roof and wrangled a large star of lights (that he had made) into place. I offered to do it for him, but he wanted to do it himself. After we finished, he thanked me. He said how much better he felt when he stayed busy, but that he was so fatigued that it was just hard to get motivated. We stood around for a bit and surveyed the lights. We didn’t say much. I loaded up the kids and drove away as he headed in to prepare to minister to his Wednesday night group who would be there in a couple hours.
That was the last time I ever talked to Tim.
I’m glad that he lived until the end. I’m glad he got to enjoy his Christmas lights. But most of all, I’m glad for the gift that God gave me in Tim. He was the greatest man I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
Enjoy Tim’s Christmas poems.
Christmas – It’s Coming!
Christmas is almost here. Will you be focused on your Christmas tree, your Christmas shopping, your decorations . . . or will you be focused on Christ?
Merry Christmas!
Lukewarm (hopefully not)
Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to answer His call? Or are you plenty happy being lukewarm?
Finance — A Poem
Mike’s sent us yet another poem (thank you, Sir!) and it packs a punch. It’s about giving. And greed. And selfishness. How willing are you, really, to give all that God wants you to give? Do you give because you feel you’re required to? Do you have faith that God will provide if you give generously?
The Miracles of Jesus
Here’s a cool poem . . . the miracles of Jesus listed in a poem form along with Bible book references! Nice.
Are You Comfy?
So . . . are YOU a comfy Christian?