Return to God

When we decide to renounce sin and return to God, the temptation to continue in sin will remain.

Sin can creep into our lives and steal away our relationship with God. But as always, we still have the choice to return to Him. And when we do, it’s not always easy. Satan continues to try to entice us with sin. Staying committed to God and true to Him will take work. As Philippians 2 tells us, we need to work out our faith with fear and trembling.

Return to God

forgive me, i’ve forgotten

A poem about the unfailing mercy of Jesus and the unending forgetfulness of humanity.

Sorry I haven’t posted any new poems in a while. I have quite a few in queue, but just don’t have the time to get to the site very often these days. I have multiple testimonies to post, multiple poems to post, multiple articles to post . . . I’m just slow to post them!

Anyway, here’s a beautiful poem that reminds us that God’s mercy is unfailing. It never ends and knows no bounds. But sometimes it’s easy for us to forget what God has done for us. We grow complacent. Let us never forget the depths from which Jesus has rescued us.

forgive me, i’ve forgotten

Tanya’s Christian Testimony

Tanya suffered through severe mental illness (among other serious trials) on her journey to Jesus.

I’m not thinking of a way to properly describe this testimony, so I’ll introduce it with a short excerpt.

When I finally left home, I tried to raise my child on my own. I met many people along the way but it wasn’t easy. I didn’t meet another man to marry. I never finished my degree though I tried. Things began getting worse as I was depressed and couldn’t handle my failures. My daughter was only eight years old when I snapped. I began hearing voices and couldn’t remember simple things. I called my mom one night to explain to her that I was not quite right and that I needed to come home for awhile. My condition did not improve however, and I was admitted to a psychiatric ward. This was only the beginning.

Tanya’s Christian Testimony

Willie’s Christian Testimony

From a hard-core drug dealer to a dedicated follower of the Jesus of the Bible.

Here’s yet another testimony describing the amazing love and mercy of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Willie was a hard-core drug dealer. But God was after him and Willie knew it. Read Willie’s story of redemption and know that God can use anyone for His glory, no matter their past.

Willie’s Christian Testimony

There is Hope

No matter what you’re experiencing: depression, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, despair, panic attacks – Jesus can rescue you.

This person’s life was spinning completely out of control. Depression, rage, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, hallucinations, psychiatric hospitals . . . the Jesus of the Bible can rescue anyone from any of these things (or all of these things).

There is Hope

Willful Sin

If Hebrews 10:26 dooms to hell all who sin willfully then I don’t stand a chance of making it to heaven.

Sinning on purpose. Knowing that something is wrong and doing it anyway. That’s willful sin. Is Hebrews 10:26 saying that if we sin on purpose we’re going to hell? I hope not. Because if it is, I have no hope.

Willful Sin

Yet Another Baptism Article

Some organizations teach that the act of baptism is what brings about salvation. We disagree.

Some organizations (like the Church of Christ) teach that baptism saves. They teach that we are not saved by faith. We are saved by baptism. They take it one step further. Say for example that I’m a Christian and I believe that I’m saved by grace, through faith. I’ve followed Scripture’s example and I’ve been baptized. Am I saved? Not according to the Church of Christ. I’m still damned, because I don’t believe that baptism saves. So even though I’ve repented of my sins, believe that Jesus Christ came to earth and died to save me from sin and death and have been baptized, I’m still not saved. Why? Because I don’t believe that the act of baptism is what brought about my salvation.

The following article further explains our translation of the preposition Greek preposition “eis” and reiterates that we’re saved through faith in the Jesus of the Bible.

Saved by Baptism or Faith?

George’s Christian Testimony

Imagine a life marred by drugs & alcohol & an unfaithful spouse. Now imagine something worse. George’s Christian testimony.

George was in a bad marriage for a long time. He was addicted to meth and alcohol for years. His life was in shambles. Then one day, he had about the worst day a person can have. Really. Check out his story.

George’s Christian Testimony

Paul’s Christian Testimony

It’s easy to mistake wealth as a sign of God’s blessing on your life. That’s no sure sign. Check out Paul’s testimony.

It’s been a while since I posted anything (sorry).

Here’s Paul’s testimony. He was a millionaire by the time he was 29. Was it a satisfying experience?

Paul’s Christian Testimony