Timothy Outline & Titus Outline

I’ve recently added two New Testament outlines at https://truthsaves.org/outlines/

The two at the bottom of the New Testament page are the new ones – 2 Timothy and Titus. Most of the other New Testament outlines will be coming soon.

I’ve also added an article called How Jesus Fits in the Trinity. It was born out of a question sent in by a site viewer. It discusses a variety of questions, such as:

  • Should Jesus be worshiped?
  • Was Jesus created?

One thought on “Timothy Outline & Titus Outline”

  1. Without a doubt Jesus should be worshiped….He should be worshiped as our Creator and God Almighty….the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! And probably a whole lot more reasons. I would have to
    say that if anyone says otherwise then I surely missed something along the line.

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