Another Anonymous Testimony

We were one of those families in the stages of home foreclosure. I was scared, because I didn’t know where my family would live . . .

We were one of those families in the stages of home foreclosure. I was scared, because I didn’t know where my family would live . . .

An Anonymous Christian Testimony

Bryan’s Christian Testimony

Bryan tells the story of how God molded him into the man God wanted him to be.

Here’s an excerpt from Bryan’s testimony . . . this was a major turning point in his life.

. . . Frantically, I reached out for help but my hand didn’t get above the water and the river was too murky to see anything. I couldn’t determine where I was from the surface. In what seemed to be forever but in all actuality was just a few seconds, I began to realize that I was drowning. My life started to flash through my mind in scenes. I saw my wife and parents and thought about how they would manage without me. I thought about how devastated they would be.

Bryan’s Christian Testimony

Willie’s Christian Testimony

From a hard-core drug dealer to a dedicated follower of the Jesus of the Bible.

Here’s yet another testimony describing the amazing love and mercy of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Willie was a hard-core drug dealer. But God was after him and Willie knew it. Read Willie’s story of redemption and know that God can use anyone for His glory, no matter their past.

Willie’s Christian Testimony

George’s Christian Testimony

Imagine a life marred by drugs & alcohol & an unfaithful spouse. Now imagine something worse. George’s Christian testimony.

George was in a bad marriage for a long time. He was addicted to meth and alcohol for years. His life was in shambles. Then one day, he had about the worst day a person can have. Really. Check out his story.

George’s Christian Testimony

Paul’s Christian Testimony

It’s easy to mistake wealth as a sign of God’s blessing on your life. That’s no sure sign. Check out Paul’s testimony.

It’s been a while since I posted anything (sorry).

Here’s Paul’s testimony. He was a millionaire by the time he was 29. Was it a satisfying experience?

Paul’s Christian Testimony

Beth’s Story

I cannot imagine losing a child. Beth’s story recalls the death of her son to suicide and God’s healing in her life.

This testimony was difficult to read.

My children are everything to me. When I see pain in my daughter’s eyes I react quickly to alleviate that pain. I could not imagine life without her. I do not know if I could go on living if she were not here. She is everything to me.

Beth’s story is her account of losing her son to suicide.

Beth’s Story

Brian’s Testimony—Freedom from Drugs

Brian’s testimony of how the Jesus of the Bible delivered him from the grasp of drugs and alcohol.

Brian’s testimony really struck me tonight. Maybe because it’s like my own. I know what it’s like to be trapped in an endless circle of sin, seemingly unable to escape. But praise God—He always provides a way out. He loves us and He wants us to return to Him. If you’re ensnared in drugs, or pornography, or any other sin that seems to have you by the throat—don’t despair. Jesus will never give up on You. He started a work in your heart and He will complete it. You might be saying, “Well, God never started a work in my heart so He has nothing to complete!” You can throw that excuse out the window. He brought you here, and you’re about to read Brian’s testimony, so . . .

Brian’s Christian Testimony

Charan’s Christian Testimony

Don’t ever give up praying for your lost loved ones. God may yet work a miracle in their lives.

It’s easy to give up praying for someone when you’ve prayed for oh-so-long and the only answer is silence. It’s easy to ask the question, “God, why are you ignoring me? Why can’t you reveal yourself?”

Charan’s testimony reminds us never to stop praying for our loved ones that don’t know the Jesus of the Bible. Continue praying. God will hear and He will honor your commitment and perseverance.

Charan’s Christian Testimony

Steven’s Christian Testimony

In a moment, Steven’s world turned upside down. If your life crashed & burned, would you still trust Jesus? Steven’s story.

In the blink of an eye, Steven’s world was turned upside down. Terrible automobile accidents have a tendency to do that to people.

Steven’s Christian Testimony

Karen’s Testimony

Karen’s personal testimony – the story of the prodigal daughter.

I love stories like these. I guess it’s because I’ve heard so many of them. I guess it’s because it’s like mine.

So many parents have to deal with the grief of their child (or children) running away from God’s truth. They raise them to believe, but then watch helplessly as their children leave the fold and venture into sin.

God has a tendency to bring His children back to Himself. He does not want even one to be lost. If you’re the parent of such a child, be encouraged by Karen’s story.

Karen’s Christian Testimony