Here’s another poem from Mark. This is an oldie from the archives.
Another Christmas Poem From the Archives
Isaac sent this poem to us eons ago. Like, really. Eons. Anyway, it’ll always be relevant, so enjoy.
God Heals Amy
I love healing testimonies. They’re just . . . cool.
John 14:26 Tells Me to Hate My Parents
John 14:26 can be a confusing verse. It talks about how unless we hate our parents and our families, that we cannot be disciples of Christ. Tim takes a quick look at this statement and gives his take.
Need a Web Host for Your Website?
In an effort to fund the hosting costs of this site, I’m posting the following article. Please consider Kinsta if you’re in the market for a new website.
Messiah – A New Poem From Mark
Mark, our very own prolific ex-Portlandite, has submitted yet another poem. And this one is timed perfectly with the appearing of Christmas lights and the sounds of Christmas songs on the radio. Thanks Mark! We miss you. Be sure to check out Mark’s website.
I Am Backsliding
I continue to backslide. I continue to pray, try to return to God, and then backslide some more. Every time, it seems to get worse. Why is it so difficult? Why can’t I seem to get it together?
Grace – A Poem from Mike
Let’s see. Mike sent this poem in about, well, about a year and a half ago. So it’s practically brand new, considering I’m currently posting content from about 10 years ago! Enjoy. And thank you Mike!
Jesus Freed Joseph from 10 Years of Addiction
After waking up for 10 straight years and instantly fueling his addiction, Joseph finally cried out to Jesus. He experienced complete and immediate freedom from his bondage.
Jesus Saved Gigi – He Can Save YOU.
This is a short but very sweet testimony.
It reminds me how much I have to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving day.