A Christian poem sent in by Bob. The significance of the cross is lost on so many. Followers of the Jesus of the Bible should be keenly aware of its significance.
The Cross
What does the cross mean to you? A poem.
Jesus. The Way, the Truth, and the Life.
What does the cross mean to you? A poem.
A Christian poem sent in by Bob. The significance of the cross is lost on so many. Followers of the Jesus of the Bible should be keenly aware of its significance.
A Christian poem about the defeat of death and the glory that awaits the followers of the Jesus of the Bible.
Tom sent in this poem, well, at the end of February, and I’m just getting to it. So that tells you about my back-log. Sorry . . . if you’ve submitted a poem or a testimony, trust me, it’ll get up here someday.
Anyway, this poem reminds us that one day Jesus will set up His kingdom, gather His own to Him and defeat death. What a glorious day that will be.
Salvation is offered freely to all. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. God is waiting to transform your life. A poem.
Mike sends in poems once in a while and I don’t post them for about 10 years. So, I’m happy that he continues to send in poems even though I’m so slow at getting them up.
This one, Salvation, really hit home with me. I have already obtained salvation, by the grace of Jesus Christ, but there is still internal strife that needs to be overcome. Sin still crops up. Satan still battles for my soul. Transformation is still necessary for me to grow into the person Jesus wants me to be.
With the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts, we can live meaningful lives. A poem by Shirley.
A poem by Shirley. With the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts we can live lives of fulfillment and peace.
A Christian poem by Mike Bullock reminding us to make a difference for Jesus this year.
O.K. I realize it’s nowhere close to the beginning of 2010; in fact, it’s about the middle of the year, but I will say that Mike submitted this poem on January 2, 2010. I’m just a little behind in updating the site (O.K., a lot). Anyway, Mike, thanks for the submission. I love the poem and I love the message. Let this poem motivate you to live for Christ and really make a difference for the rest of 2010.
A poem about Jesus. How many reasons do YOU have for loving Him?
Mark gives us lots of reasons why we should love Jesus in his new poem. Maybe you can think of some others and come up with your own poem!
Jesus cares for us. He gives us life and hope and he directs our paths. Two Christian poems.
God cares for us. It’s true and His Word illustrates the point nicely.
Jesus give us life. He gives us hope. He directs our paths.
Karen Ong’s recent poetry submissions paint a clear picture of how much Jesus, our Great God & Savior, loves and cares for us.
What sort of friend do we have in Jesus? Read this poem and find out.
This poem talks about the type of friend we have in Jesus.
A Christian poem. Life’s full of storms. We all know it; we face trouble daily. But the testing of our faith develops perseverance.
Miracle of miracles. I’m actually doing something with this website. I am finally posting something. It’s a new poem by Belinda. And it’s pretty cool (thanks for sending it in). It describes life’s storms. I’m going through storms right now at work. All of us experience troubles. We need to stay straight on the path. We need to keep our eyes on the prize. The testing of our faith develops perseverance. Thank God He knows what’s best for us.