Homeland Security

As Christians, our homeland is heaven. And God’s our homeland security director. We have nothing to fear. A poem.

I really like this poem.

We hear so much about our wonderful homeland security (and of course it’s excellent) but for Christians, our homeland is elsewhere. And God’s our homeland security director. He will never make mistakes or let any harm come to us. We have eternity to chill out and relax.

So why in the world doesn’t everyone want to live in our eternal homeland? That’s one I’ll never be able to figure out.

Homeland Security

Unnamed Poem

This poem reminds us that our job is to submit to His will and remain faithful ’til the end.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what God’s thinking. Our lives seem full of needless suffering and pain. We do all we can to please Him . . . yet, life remains hard. We don’t understand.

This poem reflects on God’s sovereignty as He guides and directs our lives. Our job is simply to submit to His will and remain faithful ’til the end.

Unnamed Poem

The Dusty Old Book

A poem that speaks of the wonders of God’s Word. Is it gathering dust on your shelf?

It’s easy to let our Bible sit on the shelf and gather dust. I’ve been guilty of it.

But God’s Word contains life; it contains the message that God has for you and me. It tells of creation, the reason for living and the end of things.

Take some time to read it today and every day.

The Dusty Old Book (a poem by Belinda)


When we realize that all life’s treasures can’t provide fulfillment, we’re ready for Jesus. A powerful poem.

People work so hard to make their lives significant. Fame, wealth, status . . . but does any of it really matter?

Without Jesus, we’re nothing but broken people. And when we reach that conclusion, Jesus will be there waiting for us.

Read Karen’s first submission (a poem) to our site:


No Substitute

Potions, pills, religions, cults-they provide temporary fixes to mend lives filled with pain & loss. But there’s only one true fix.

This poem reminds us that nothing the world can offer provides true fulfillment. Sure, drugs will cover pain for a short while. Sex can make us feel loved and happy – temporarily. Psychologists provide advice on how to be happy. Oprah tells us what to do to be successful. Movies, the Internet, music, video games, careers . . . the list of temporary fixes goes on forever.

But there is only one true source of fulfillment and that is Jesus Christ.

No Substitute

God’s Gift

If you don’t know Jesus, this poem will tell you about the gift he offers to us – eternal life.

This is an amazing poem.

The author states his purpose in the opening stanza:

When I first heard the gospel news,
It was revealed to me,
Why Jesus Christ came to this earth,
To die to set us free.
I’d like to share this news with you,
Why the Lord Jesus came,
So you can have this free gift too,
When you call upon his name.

For those of you who don’t know the story of Jesus Christ and what He did for you and me, this poem will lead you in the right direction.

God’s Gift

Savior on the Cross

Jesus paid an awful price so we could have eternal life. We owe Him our allegiance. A moving poem.

Can you imagine a crowd of people screaming at you, pushing you, punching you . . . all the while knowing they were planning to kill you in a grotesque manner?

I broke my nose last week and had to have it reset yesterday. The anticipation of the pain made me very nervous (yes, I’m a complete and utter wimp). When I felt (and heard) the bones grinding in my face, I thought, “This is the worst pain I’ve ever felt!” But getting a nose snapped back in place is nothing compared to what Jesus endured for us.

Cindy’s poem reminds us that Jesus paid the price for our sins, by suffering a gruesome, painful death that He knew about beforehand – so we could have eternal life.

Savior on the Cross