cure – Another Poem

A poem of faith in Jesus.

Hetty – thank you!

I appreciate your poems, your testimony, and your words of encouragement more than you’ll know.

For those of you who don’t know, Hetty has suffered with seizures much of her life. But her faith is strong; she shines brightly in this dark sea of cyberspace.

Read her latest poem:


Departed for Glory

A poem about death – from the perspective of a Christian.

Death. When it strikes, we grieve.

But for Christians, rejoicing goes hand in hand with death. Why? Because Jesus has conquered death and we have nothing to fear – only something to look forward to.

This poem helps us see both sides.

Read Departed for Glory.

A Finished Course – A Poetic Response to 2 Timothy

A poem describing Timothy’s feelings for Paul.

When I first read this poem, I thought it described a father – from a son’s viewpoint. But when I contacted the author (our own dear Tim), I found out it he intended it to be a poetic representation of Timothy’s feelings toward Paul. So, we could say that it does very nearly describe a father / son relationship as Paul calls Timothy, “my beloved son.”

Enjoy reading A Finished Course.

What Christmas Means to Me

A Christian poem about the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus Christ.

Christmas. It’s almost here. We can focus on spending all our hard earned money in order to go deeply into debt so we can enjoy fighting an uphill battle to re-balance our finances for 2009, or we can focus on the real meaning of the season – Jesus Christ.

I choose the latter.

Tim’s written a poem describing a man with just this kind of focus – a man dedicated to knowing and finding His savior.

It’s called What Christmas Means to Me.

Beauty – A Poem by Mark

Our God radiates beauty. This poem reminds us of the God we serve.

Work sucks. School sucks. I don’t feel well. My throat hurts. I’m tired. It’s raining. Everything seems ugly and irritating.

Why? When my mind focuses on the things of this world rather than the beauty of God, everything seems drab and uninteresting.

Mark’s poem reminds us of God’s beauty. His creation, His mercy, His guidance . . . without God, life lacks meaning.

Check out this reminder of the amazing God we serve.

Two New Christian Poems

Two poems about Jesus Christ and the hope He has supplied to the world.

Here at truthsaves we love poems that glorify Jesus Christ. Recently we’ve received two excellent submissions. One is written by Joe Breunig, author of Reaching Toward His Unbounded Glory (, and it’s about the truth revealed in Biblical archaeology.

Read Prism to Our Past here.

The other is a powerful poem by Scot Crone revealing the hope Jesus Christ graciously supplies to all those who trust in Him. It doesn’t matter what we’ve done or where we are in life – God waits for us. His mercies are new every morning.

Read Sunday’s Coming here.