The Guilt of Sin Can Be Debilitating

Sometimes the weight of our sin can weigh us down to the point that we question our salvation.

All of us have things in our past that are now fully repulsive to us. We wish so much that we could have a redo and blot that thing out of our lives. And, of course, this is precisely what Jesus offers us. He takes our ugliness and our sin from us and nails it to His cross, then He offers us a new life in Him.

How Can I Remove the Constant Guilt of Sin?

Must We Believe that Jesus Is God?

A while back (a long while back) a site reader asked Tim about the importance of believing in the deity of Jesus. As usual, Tim didn’t mince words in his response. Jesus made a strong statement when He said, “. . . for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins.” Jesus claimed to be God and told his disciples that they better believe it or they would die in their sins. That doesn’t sound very pleasant to me.

Is It Essential For Salvation to Believe that Jesus Is God?

Jesus — Is He God? Or Was He Created?

Not too long ago (well OK, I guess it was a long time ago — like five years ago), a reader asked Tim a question about a certain article he had found on a messianic Jewish website. The author’s main idea was that Jesus was a created being, a son of God, and not God Himself. Here’s the article.

Tim wrote a detailed response — a pleasure to read! Check it out.

Is Jesus the True God? An Overview of the Trinity

I’m Afraid I’ve Committed Blasphemy

We’ve heard this question (or variants of it) a lot. Folks think they’ve committed the unpardonable sin and they’re afraid that God will never forgive them. Or they’ve committed deliberate sins and feel that they are beyond God’s mercy. We have one thing to say–stop believing Satan’s lies and trust in the promises explicitly stated in God’s Word.

I Think I’ve Committed Blasphemy – Can I Be Forgiven?

What Do the Jews Think about Jesus?

I haven’t posted here for a long time. To say that I miss Tim would be an understatement. My life has changed significantly since he’s been gone. I find it difficult to stay motivated. Tonight I felt strongly that I needed to get to work on the site again. So here goes. Here’s an article that Tim wrote a little over a year ago. I have many more.

Folks are also submitting poems and testimonies weekly. I’m so back-logged at this point that I really have no idea how I’ll ever catch up. I really don’t think I will. But anyway, here you go. Another article from Tim.

What Do the Jews Believe About Jesus?

Living in Fear Is No Way to Live

Recently we received an email from a reader who stated that he was “living in fear every day.” We say that this is no way to live. And we also say that the Bible teaches us that we do not need to be afraid. We should not live under condemnation but in the freedom of Jesus Christ. He has broken our chains of bondage. He has released us from the weight of past sin. Trust His promises.

I Am Living in Fear Every Day

Prayer Is an Expression of Faith

To many prayer is telling God about one’s requests. But I want to give it a different type of definition, not one based on what we do, but based on what we believe. Prayer is believing God. Those who do not pray, do not believe God. Those who believe God will pray. Prayer is an expression of faith.

Prayer, As an Expression of Faith in God