Charan’s Christian Testimony

Don’t ever give up praying for your lost loved ones. God may yet work a miracle in their lives.

It’s easy to give up praying for someone when you’ve prayed for oh-so-long and the only answer is silence. It’s easy to ask the question, “God, why are you ignoring me? Why can’t you reveal yourself?”

Charan’s testimony reminds us never to stop praying for our loved ones that don’t know the Jesus of the Bible. Continue praying. God will hear and He will honor your commitment and perseverance.

Charan’s Christian Testimony

Steven’s Christian Testimony

In a moment, Steven’s world turned upside down. If your life crashed & burned, would you still trust Jesus? Steven’s story.

In the blink of an eye, Steven’s world was turned upside down. Terrible automobile accidents have a tendency to do that to people.

Steven’s Christian Testimony

Only Jesus

Only Jesus. Only Jesus saves. Only Jesus heals. Only Jesus gives eternal life. Only Jesus. A poem by Cindy Wyatt.

Cindy’s sent in another poem (last May, I know—sorry Cindy) and now it’s finally posted. Geez, I’m behind. Hopefully I’ll get through May soon. If anyone has anything to send in (a poem or testimony) please know that it will be posted, but probably not for a while.

Anyway, I think the title says it all for this poem. Only Jesus can infuse meaning into a meaningless existence.

Only Jesus

Karen’s Testimony

Karen’s personal testimony – the story of the prodigal daughter.

I love stories like these. I guess it’s because I’ve heard so many of them. I guess it’s because it’s like mine.

So many parents have to deal with the grief of their child (or children) running away from God’s truth. They raise them to believe, but then watch helplessly as their children leave the fold and venture into sin.

God has a tendency to bring His children back to Himself. He does not want even one to be lost. If you’re the parent of such a child, be encouraged by Karen’s story.

Karen’s Christian Testimony

Heidy’s Christian Testimony

From an ardent critic to an outspoken supporter of the Jesus of the Bible. Heidy’s testimony.

Heidy didn’t experience any sudden transformations from sinner to saint. But she did go from criticizing Christianity to being a devout follower of the Jesus of the Bible. I always love it when God transforms a doubting heart.

Heidy’s Christian Testimony

Joseph’s Christian Testimony

Joseph’s life was transformed by many miraculous workings of our great God & Savior – Jesus Christ.

I recently met Joseph (through the website) and his is truly a life transformed by the miraculous workings of the Jesus of the Bible. Praise God for his story and for his willingness to share the truth of our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ. Take some time to check out his website – Serious Things.

Joseph’s Testimony

Sharad’s Christian Testimony

Sharad searched for a long time but, as God’s Word says, if you seek, you will find.

Sharad searched for a long time but, as God’s Word says, if you seek, you will find. If you knock, the door will be opened to you. Ask, and you will receive. God is good. He’s waiting for you.

Sharad’s Christian Testimony

Anonymous Testimony

An anonymous testimony from the pen of an 11-year old. I Timothy 4:12

I always like it when I get a testimony that has a name attached to it, but I also like it when I get a testimony from a child. This testimony is straight from the pen of an 11-year old child. One of her statements is key: Accepting Him was the best decision ever. Was it the best decision you’ve ever made?

An Anonymous Testimony

Katherine’s Christian Testimony

Katherine’s testimony reminds us that God has a plan for each and every one of us. It’s up to us to accept His mercy.

Sometimes we live out our lives, knowing fully well God’s mercy has protected us from all sorts of evils and dangers, but we continue to do our own thing and ignore the truth.

God’s mercy is unfailing. He waits for us. He calls to us. But none of us know when our time is done. Death comes like a thief in the night. Don’t wait any longer. God’s calling out to you . . . right now. He’s saying, “I’m here for you. I’ll bless you. I’ll show you a life of fulfillment beyond your wildest imaginations.” You just have to decide. Are you going to accept His gift and live for Him? Or will you choose the temporary pleasures of this life?

Katherine’s Christian Testimony