
Savior on the Cross

Jesus paid an awful price so we could have eternal life. We owe Him our allegiance. A moving poem.

Can you imagine a crowd of people screaming at you, pushing you, punching you . . . all the while knowing they were planning to kill you in a grotesque manner?

I broke my nose last week and had to have it reset yesterday. The anticipation of the pain made me very nervous (yes, I’m a complete and utter wimp). When I felt (and heard) the bones grinding in my face, I thought, “This is the worst pain I’ve ever felt!” But getting a nose snapped back in place is nothing compared to what Jesus endured for us.

Cindy’s poem reminds us that Jesus paid the price for our sins, by suffering a gruesome, painful death that He knew about beforehand – so we could have eternal life.

Savior on the Cross

Debbie’s Testimony of Deliverance

Abuse led to MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) which led to a chaotic life of false reality.

Here’s an excerpt from this amazing story . . .

At age 12, I was saved. I’d always felt drawn to having a ministry of some kind. In the 80’s, at a different church, I started a ministry of going to the juvenile detention center to talk to the kids. During that time, I went to the pastor and told him what I went through in my head each day. When numerous prayers for me to be healed weren’t answered in that church’s timing, I was told I was possessed. That pastor told me the only way for me to be free, would be for me to kill myself. I was told to stay away from people, and people were told to stay away from me. So, I stayed away from most people for the past twenty six years. I’d always been terrified of people because of all the abuse in my life, but after that, I was terrified of church people, too. I’d been rejected by a church, and felt rejected by God, too. Those were the lowest times in my life.

Read the rest of Debbie’s amazing testimony of deliverance from MPD.

Check out her blog as well: Buffalopine’s Blog

Did God Harden Pharoah’s Heart?

Did God harden Pharoah’s heart? And if He did, how is that fair?

It seems sort of unfair that God would harden Pharoah’s heart. The poor guy didn’t have a chance. If God pre-plans everything and he pre-planned Pharaoh to be evil, how is that fair? I suppose a better question would be . . .

Did God Harden Pharoah’s Heart?

The Significance of Fasting

Fasting isn’t enjoyable. Do we really need to do it? What’s the Biblical model for fasting? Is it important? Why?

What does the Bible say about fasting? Is it important? What is its significance? Do we, as Christians, really need to fast? If so, why? Is there a Biblical model that shows us how to fast?

Here’s what we’ve found Scripture to say.

The Significance of Fasting

As Jesus Hung

As life ebbed from the two thieves, they took radically different paths. One chose life, the other death. Which will you choose?

Have you given any thought to what it must have been like for Jesus to watch the two thieves, as He hung on the cross? The thieves paint a perfect picture of us; one chose life, and the other chose death.

Just like them, we have a choice. We can choose to follow Jesus, and accept the invitation to His eternal party, or we can reject Him and choose never-ending suffering.

The choice seems easy to me.

As Jesus Hung

My Brother the King

My Brother the King takes the reader on a journey from creation to the present.

This beautifully crafted poem by Tim takes the reader on a journey from creation to the present.

It paints a vivid picture of Jesus Christ, our King, and how He unveiled His perfect plan – in order for us to be His friends and to spend eternity with Him.

My Brother the King

Does God Want Me Back?

Will God accept me after years of deliberate sin? Hebrews seems to say it’s impossible to return to God.

Sometimes we ditch God and go our own way. We live in sin, deliberately, and lose sight of our relationship with God.

Will God take us back if we decide to come back to Him? What about the passages in Hebrews that make it sound like we’re doomed if we’ve done any serious backsliding?

Check out our interpretation of those passages and what we think about the original question:

Does God Want Me Back?

Jesus – Another Poem by Mike

Mechanical prayer doesn’t cut it. We serve a living God who loves us and wants to interact with us.

Mike Bullock is a fount of poetry.

He’s recently sent us another poem he entitled “Jesus.” It’s a good reminder not to let our prayer lives get mechanical.

Read Mike’s latest submission:


P.S. Don’t forget to check out his site . . . Mike’s Odes.