Here’s a new submission from Tim. It’s a poem entitled His Birth. I probably don’t need to tell you what it’s about, but I will anyway. It’s a poem about the birth of Jesus Christ and what that means for humanity. Click the link below to read the poem. Merry Christmas!
Category: Poetry
One of my favorite poets, Mark, has finally sent in another poem (I have lots of favorite poets by the way, so don’t take offense). It’s called Colors and its simplicity is what makes it so moving. Click the link below to read it.
The Finest Hour
A Christian poem about new life in Jesus Christ. Click the link below to read the poem.
He’ll Move Your Mountain
A poem that reminds us that God is the same yesterday, today & forever. He still works miracles and He can work in your life.
The God we worship, the God of the Bible, is the same God who parted the Red Sea, saved Daniel from the lions, brought water from a rock, stopped time . . . we need to remember who He is and have faith that He can move the mountains in our lives.
A poem about the home that God is preparing for those who love Him.
Jesus Christ died on the cross. Then He rose from the dead. Then He ascended into heaven where He’s currently preparing a home for those who love Him. Check out this sweet poem by Claire.
Freedom Reigns
The USA owes its allegiance to Jesus Christ.
Robert sent in this poem a long time ago and I’ve finally posted it. Yea, Me!
This poem is a great reminder that the USA, as a country, owes its freedom to God. Just as He’s blessed the USA, He could just as easily remove His favor.
A poem about giving everything to God and realizing that He is everything we need.
A Christian poem by Angie about realizing that God is everything we need and giving our lives fully to Him.
Are you an amchair Christian or do you live every moment for Jesus? ROCK—a poem by Mike.
This poem from Mike reminds us that our lives need refining. God is never through working on us. We can be armchair Christians, enjoying our holiness on Sunday morning, or we can live every waking moment for Christ.
Bullies Molding
People can make us feel like crap. Fortunately, God always accepts us for who we are. A poem about being a child of God.
People have a tendency to be cruel. People can make us feel like we’re nobody. People can ridicule us, tease us, bully us, walk all over us . . . but we have someone who always sees us for who we really are—Jesus Christ. He loves us and He shows no partiality. Rachel’s poem reminds us that it’s only God’s view of us that really matters.
I Am Alive
This poem reminds us that everything we are and have is because of Jesus Christ.
Everything we are is because of Jesus. We owe Him everything. The following poem reminds us of that.