Unnamed Poem

This poem reminds us that our job is to submit to His will and remain faithful ’til the end.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what God’s thinking. Our lives seem full of needless suffering and pain. We do all we can to please Him . . . yet, life remains hard. We don’t understand.

This poem reflects on God’s sovereignty as He guides and directs our lives. Our job is simply to submit to His will and remain faithful ’til the end.

Unnamed Poem

As Jesus Hung

As life ebbed from the two thieves, they took radically different paths. One chose life, the other death. Which will you choose?

Have you given any thought to what it must have been like for Jesus to watch the two thieves, as He hung on the cross? The thieves paint a perfect picture of us; one chose life, and the other chose death.

Just like them, we have a choice. We can choose to follow Jesus, and accept the invitation to His eternal party, or we can reject Him and choose never-ending suffering.

The choice seems easy to me.

As Jesus Hung

My Brother the King

My Brother the King takes the reader on a journey from creation to the present.

This beautifully crafted poem by Tim takes the reader on a journey from creation to the present.

It paints a vivid picture of Jesus Christ, our King, and how He unveiled His perfect plan – in order for us to be His friends and to spend eternity with Him.

My Brother the King

Jesus – Another Poem by Mike

Mechanical prayer doesn’t cut it. We serve a living God who loves us and wants to interact with us.

Mike Bullock is a fount of poetry.

He’s recently sent us another poem he entitled “Jesus.” It’s a good reminder not to let our prayer lives get mechanical.

Read Mike’s latest submission:


P.S. Don’t forget to check out his site . . . Mike’s Odes.


Mike’s poem, Mirror, calls for a sincere self-evaluation. Are we truly living for Him?

Mike’s latest submission reminds us to examine our lives. Are we living for Him? What do we see when we look inside? Purity? Peace? Conflict? Rage? Lust?

Help God do what He wants to do; purify your life.

Read Mike’s latest:


Don’t forget to check out Mike’s amazing site: Mike’s Odes.

Christian Poems

Publish your original Christian poetry on our site. Send in your Christian poems and we’ll post them.

Poems never really were my thing. They bored me. But the older I get, the more I find myself liking poems, especially poems that speak to one’s walk with the Jesus of the Bible.

So, I created a page just for Christian poetry. If you have a poem that’s about Jesus, or related to your walk with Jesus, you can send it to me and I’ll post it! Right now we have about 40 poems but I want hundreds, if not thousands of poems that glorify Jesus Christ!

So, send ’em in. We love to read original poetry, and we love to publish it.
All for His glory!

Check out our page of Christian poems.

What Christmas Means to Me

A Christian poem about the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus Christ.

Christmas. It’s almost here. We can focus on spending all our hard earned money in order to go deeply into debt so we can enjoy fighting an uphill battle to re-balance our finances for 2009, or we can focus on the real meaning of the season – Jesus Christ.

I choose the latter.

Tim’s written a poem describing a man with just this kind of focus – a man dedicated to knowing and finding His savior.

It’s called What Christmas Means to Me.