Does God Condone Adultery?

If someone divorces then remarries, they commit adultery. How then can God condone the new marriage?

This one’s hard to describe. Let me post a portion of the original question sent to Tim.

I feel the church that I attend is becoming a seeker friendly church and is trying to avoid “so called” controversial topics like hell, various types of sins, obedience to God, materialism, etc. There is one topic that Jesus talks about that I doubt I will ever hear in my church and that is the subject of divorce. Divorce is a big problem in this country and “Christian” couples seem to be just as likely to get divorced as non-Christian couples even though it should not be this way. What I read and understand from Jesus, is that God wants married couples to remain married (Matthew 19:6, Malachi 2:16). Paul also says not to get divorced (1 Corinthians 7:10-11). I also read that if a couple does get divorced for anything other than unfaithfulness and then either the husband or wife remarries, they are committing adultery in the new marriage (Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32, Mark 10:11-12). My question to Tim is this, if a Christian couple gets divorced for any reason other than unfaithfulness, and then either or both remarry, are they committing adultery? If they are committing adultery, are they forgiven by God even though they are continually sinning in this new relationship? Since repentance is the turning away from sin and not wanting to do it (a change of heart and mind), I do not understand how a divorced couple that has been remarried is not sinning.

Does God Condone Adultery?

Some New Poems

Jesus cares for us. He gives us life and hope and he directs our paths. Two Christian poems.

God cares for us. It’s true and His Word illustrates the point nicely.

Jesus give us life. He gives us hope. He directs our paths.

Karen Ong’s recent poetry submissions paint a clear picture of how much Jesus, our Great God & Savior, loves and cares for us.

Jesus – Our Hope

God Cares

God’s Silence

Some say that God has been silent for periods of time in history. Find out what we think.

Some will tell you that God has been completely silent for periods of time. Some say that God was utterly silent during the 400 years between the time of Malachi, the last Old Testament prophet, and the time of Jesus. Others say that God may have been silent during the 400 years that Israel was in Egypt.

We don’t believe God has ever been silent. Find out why.

God’s Silence

I Cannot Know

An amazingly clever poem about logic and the truth.

I cannot know. Three words we’ve heard often from people who don’t believe.

I do not know. Again, words we’ve heard often from people who don’t believe in the Jesus of the Bible.

One of those statements is false. The other is most likely true.

Check out Tim’s latest poem, a clever collection of thoughts about logic and the truth.

I Cannot Know

Be Sure of Your Salvation

We don’t have to wonder if we’re saved. We can have assurance of our salvation.

Here’s a question that was recently sent in by a site visitor:

How can I be sure of my salvation? I have confessed Jesus to people I know and was baptized. I told my family members about Jesus because the Bible says to confess him before men. How can I be sure that I am still saved or ever was?

The little book of 1 John has a lot to say about this topic. And guess what? This is not something we have to wonder about.

Be Sure of Your Salvation