Jesus Paid My Debt

This poem reminds us of the heavy debt Jesus paid for us. He gave His life so we could be free of sin’s bondage.

This poem was recently (well, not so recently; I’ve been busy and my computer’s been in the shop) submitted to us. It’s a beautiful reminder of the debt that Jesus paid for us. He gave His life. He paid for our sins. He paid the debt that we owe.

Jesus Paid My Debt


When we realize that all life’s treasures can’t provide fulfillment, we’re ready for Jesus. A powerful poem.

People work so hard to make their lives significant. Fame, wealth, status . . . but does any of it really matter?

Without Jesus, we’re nothing but broken people. And when we reach that conclusion, Jesus will be there waiting for us.

Read Karen’s first submission (a poem) to our site:


No Substitute

Potions, pills, religions, cults-they provide temporary fixes to mend lives filled with pain & loss. But there’s only one true fix.

This poem reminds us that nothing the world can offer provides true fulfillment. Sure, drugs will cover pain for a short while. Sex can make us feel loved and happy – temporarily. Psychologists provide advice on how to be happy. Oprah tells us what to do to be successful. Movies, the Internet, music, video games, careers . . . the list of temporary fixes goes on forever.

But there is only one true source of fulfillment and that is Jesus Christ.

No Substitute


This poem reminds us of the significance of Easter (yes, I know it’s a bit late); it’s about Jesus!

O.K. I should have posted this back around Easter, when Mike sent it to me, but I’m not that fast. Sorry.

Anyway, this poem reminds us of the significance of the holiday we call Easter. It really has squat to do with the frivolities (bunnies, eggs) associated with it in our society.

Check out this cool poem by Mike:


Also, don’t forget to check out Mike’s new site . . . Anglican Rhymes. Very cool.

God’s Gift

If you don’t know Jesus, this poem will tell you about the gift he offers to us – eternal life.

This is an amazing poem.

The author states his purpose in the opening stanza:

When I first heard the gospel news,
It was revealed to me,
Why Jesus Christ came to this earth,
To die to set us free.
I’d like to share this news with you,
Why the Lord Jesus came,
So you can have this free gift too,
When you call upon his name.

For those of you who don’t know the story of Jesus Christ and what He did for you and me, this poem will lead you in the right direction.

God’s Gift

Strong in You, Lord

God desires to interact intimately with us. And through Him, we can lead victorious lives – no matter what trials life may bring.

Sometimes, when we think we’re doing just fine, when we think we’ve got it all together – we fall flat on our faces. Then we either get up and do the same thing all over again, or we call on God to help us through.

This poem suggests a better way. Stay close to God all the time, through good and bad, and He’ll guide you and protect you every step of the way. God doesn’t want to be distant; He wants to interact with us and give us a life of victory.

Strong in You, Lord

Mercy Me

A poem about a choice we all have: give in to temptation or resist and live a Spirit-filled life!

Another inspirational poem by Robbie.

It’s easy to give in to temptation and the lures of the world. Sin calls to us daily. But we always have an option. We can give in to sin, which leads to misery, or we can give in to the Spirit and live a life of fulfillment and hope.

Mercy Me

Don’t forget! If you have a poem you’d like to submit (or a personal testimony), send it in! We’re called to share what Jesus has done for us. Sharing a poem or testimony is a simple way to do just that.