New Year

A Christian poem by Mike Bullock reminding us to make a difference for Jesus this year.

O.K. I realize it’s nowhere close to the beginning of 2010; in fact, it’s about the middle of the year, but I will say that Mike submitted this poem on January 2, 2010. I’m just a little behind in updating the site (O.K., a lot). Anyway, Mike, thanks for the submission. I love the poem and I love the message. Let this poem motivate you to live for Christ and really make a difference for the rest of 2010.

New Year

Blessed Storms

A Christian poem. Life’s full of storms. We all know it; we face trouble daily. But the testing of our faith develops perseverance.

Miracle of miracles. I’m actually doing something with this website. I am finally posting something. It’s a new poem by Belinda. And it’s pretty cool (thanks for sending it in). It describes life’s storms. I’m going through storms right now at work. All of us experience troubles. We need to stay straight on the path. We need to keep our eyes on the prize. The testing of our faith develops perseverance. Thank God He knows what’s best for us.

Blessed Storms

Homeland Security

As Christians, our homeland is heaven. And God’s our homeland security director. We have nothing to fear. A poem.

I really like this poem.

We hear so much about our wonderful homeland security (and of course it’s excellent) but for Christians, our homeland is elsewhere. And God’s our homeland security director. He will never make mistakes or let any harm come to us. We have eternity to chill out and relax.

So why in the world doesn’t everyone want to live in our eternal homeland? That’s one I’ll never be able to figure out.

Homeland Security

I Cannot Know

An amazingly clever poem about logic and the truth.

I cannot know. Three words we’ve heard often from people who don’t believe.

I do not know. Again, words we’ve heard often from people who don’t believe in the Jesus of the Bible.

One of those statements is false. The other is most likely true.

Check out Tim’s latest poem, a clever collection of thoughts about logic and the truth.

I Cannot Know

Unnamed Poem

This poem reminds us that our job is to submit to His will and remain faithful ’til the end.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what God’s thinking. Our lives seem full of needless suffering and pain. We do all we can to please Him . . . yet, life remains hard. We don’t understand.

This poem reflects on God’s sovereignty as He guides and directs our lives. Our job is simply to submit to His will and remain faithful ’til the end.

Unnamed Poem