As Jesus Hung

As life ebbed from the two thieves, they took radically different paths. One chose life, the other death. Which will you choose?

Have you given any thought to what it must have been like for Jesus to watch the two thieves, as He hung on the cross? The thieves paint a perfect picture of us; one chose life, and the other chose death.

Just like them, we have a choice. We can choose to follow Jesus, and accept the invitation to His eternal party, or we can reject Him and choose never-ending suffering.

The choice seems easy to me.

As Jesus Hung

My Brother the King

My Brother the King takes the reader on a journey from creation to the present.

This beautifully crafted poem by Tim takes the reader on a journey from creation to the present.

It paints a vivid picture of Jesus Christ, our King, and how He unveiled His perfect plan – in order for us to be His friends and to spend eternity with Him.

My Brother the King


Mike’s poem, Mirror, calls for a sincere self-evaluation. Are we truly living for Him?

Mike’s latest submission reminds us to examine our lives. Are we living for Him? What do we see when we look inside? Purity? Peace? Conflict? Rage? Lust?

Help God do what He wants to do; purify your life.

Read Mike’s latest:


Don’t forget to check out Mike’s amazing site: Mike’s Odes.


A moving Christian poem about the life of Jesus Christ.

When I check my email, and see a poem submission from Tim, I get excited.

Tim has a way of putting words on paper that create a vivid mental picture.

Glory paints a picture of the life of Jesus. He came from heaven, from a position of ultimate power, to live a life of suffering and servitude as a man. He never complained; He never sinned; He lived and died for a civilization that treated Him as an outsider.

Check out Tim’s latest poem:


Brought to Enlightenment

A Christian poem about faith and prayer.

Joe’s latest submission is an excellent reminder of the power of prayer and importance of faith.

Be sure to check out Joe’s Squidoo lens: Book of Poetry – Reaching Toward His Unbounded Glory.

Read Joe’s latest poem:

Brought to Enlightenment

Soft Scoop

An entertaining Christian poem reminding us to be patient.

Poems bore me sometimes (sorry) but this one’s good. I know, I’m weird; I have a section on my site devoted to poems and my attitude toward them sucks. But occasionally I come across a gem I really like so it makes reading them all worthwhile (I’m being a little goofy here; there are many truly amazing original poems on our poetry page).

Anyway, I’m off topic. You need to check out this poem – Soft Scoop.

It’s written by a guy (Mike Bullock) who calls himself “versical” and I can see why. He’s skilled at the art of wordsmithing.

cure – Another Poem

A poem of faith in Jesus.

Hetty – thank you!

I appreciate your poems, your testimony, and your words of encouragement more than you’ll know.

For those of you who don’t know, Hetty has suffered with seizures much of her life. But her faith is strong; she shines brightly in this dark sea of cyberspace.

Read her latest poem:


What Christmas Means to Me

A Christian poem about the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus Christ.

Christmas. It’s almost here. We can focus on spending all our hard earned money in order to go deeply into debt so we can enjoy fighting an uphill battle to re-balance our finances for 2009, or we can focus on the real meaning of the season – Jesus Christ.

I choose the latter.

Tim’s written a poem describing a man with just this kind of focus – a man dedicated to knowing and finding His savior.

It’s called What Christmas Means to Me.