Christian Poems

Do you have a Christian poem you’ve written? We want it.

This page presents Christian poems by a variety of authors. All poems are original. The poetry on this page reflects the phenomenal news of Jesus Christ in one way or another. We present a large variety of Christ-related poems in order to help us achieve our goal of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ across the Internet and the world. Do you have a Christian poem you’ve written? We’d love to check it out. We’re sorry, but not all poems submitted will be published.

We appreciate your visit. Enjoy the poems.

Send us your Christian poem!

Click here for a list of poems sorted by author!

Mark’s Poetry: Salvation Stanzas, Reasons and Rhymes

The Poems

Never NEW!
A Christian poem by Mark Tinjum about Jesus–the bread of life–who promises that we will never hunger or thirst.

Bless NEW!
A Christian poem by Mike Bullock about the blessings of being generous.

Worship Rock NEW!
A Christian poem by Mark Tinjum describing the characteristics of Christ.

Goodbye to Alcohol
A recent poem sent in by Tristan Woster about being freed (by God) from the debilitating shackles of alcoholism.

This poem was written by Tim in 2013. Pulled from the coffers.

Living a double life will catch up with you. Another poem from Mike.

Exactly As Planned
A Christmas poem from Mark.

A poem celebrating the coming of our Messiah, Jesus Christ, to earth.

All we need is grace.

The Father Is My Gardener
COVID-19 has, at least, given us time to slow down and think.

Is your heart set on the things of this world? I hope not.

When the Light Goes Out
Nick’s first poem on truthsaves. Nick recently lost his wife to cancer. The journey was heartbreaking. But God is using Nick in so many ways. Be sure to check out Nick’s website and also follow him on Twitter.

What Was Said
A poem about forgiveness and restoration.

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

I Believe
David believes. Do you?

Hand It Up
A Christian poem from Mike Bullock about trusting God.

The Love of Christ
A poem by Tim. From the archives.

Without You I Am Nothing
Another multi-year old submission in the archives from Mike Bullock.

A Theist
No, not atheist!

A Christian poem by Mark T. about the power of God’s Words.

Eternal Life
A Christian poem by Mike Bullock.

Wasted Years
Don’t waste your life.

Impossible, Amazing, Wonderful
Thank you Mark for your reminder of God’s incomprehensible grace that He freely gives to all who ask.

The Bread and the Wine
A Christian poem about the significance of communion.

Feel like a piece is missing in your life?

Songs. Another poem by Mark.

To Be Emmanuel
God is with us always. Another poem from Mark (be sure to check out his poetry website).

Daily Presence
Jesus Christ dwells in you; remember to get to know Him intimately.

By A Child Reconciled
2,000 years ago, God’s Son, Jesus Christ, arrived. He came to bring peace on earth and a foretaste of heaven.

The ABCs of Grace
God’s grace is a gift — freely bestowed.

One Minute Altar Call
Do you know what’s going to happen to you in the next minute?

A Prince Among Men
A tribute to our friend Tim, the author of most of the articles (and many of the poems) on this site.

Which One?
We all have choices. And those choices have consequences.

The Story – An Easter Poem
The story of Jesus’ resurrection never gets old. Share it again and again! HE IS RISEN!

Royal Blood Shed — A Good Friday Poem
Jesus gave His life for us. It’s our reasonable service to give our lives to Him.

Tell Them of His Love
Thank you Lanette for this message. Our children know that we love them, but do they know the all-important, all-encompassing, eternal love of the Father?

Empty Vessel
Another motivational and thought-provoking Christian poem from Mike.

One Day
One day all our strivings here on earth will cease.

The Missing Key
What is wrong with humanity?

Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to answer His call? Another Christian poem by Mike Bullock. Mike’s continual service to Jesus Christ via poetry has been inspirational and motivational. Over the years I’ve been extremely blessed. Thank you for sharing your gifts Mike!

Christmas – It’s Almost Here
What will your focus be this upcoming holiday season?

What do you do with your finances? A Christian poem by Mike, our most prolific poet!

The Miracles of Jesus
The miracles of Jesus expressed in the form of a poem. Awesome!

Are you a comfy Christian?

The Best Is Yet to Come
A Christian poem by Gerald Bergeron, a new contributor to our site! Thanks Gerald!

My Friend
Another Christian poem by Mike Bullock. Many of us have two sides. I know I do. One side desires to follow Jesus, and the other side wants to sin.

A Mother’s Love
A mother’s love runs deep. Kerrie’s poem paints a picture of some of the things Mary must have experienced.

Always There
A Christian poem by Monica that reminds us that Jesus is always there — ALWAYS.

It Is You
Getting old? Not liking what you see in the mirror so much anymore? He loves you as you are — always and forever.

Paradise vs Pleasure
What do you choose? Eternal paradise with God or passing pleasure on the earth?

The New Chance: His Love
How have you reacted to the murder of Jesus Christ? Did you laugh when you heard? Cry? Ignore? Or have you taken the chance that His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection affords you?

I Saw a Little Girl of Seven
This Christian poem by Emily (only ten years old!) reminds us that Jesus can change lives . . . no matter the circumstances.

There Is a Pit So Deep
This poem by Emily reminds us that sin is, well, very unpleasant. If we want to be with God, we have to avoid sin.

Strange Kind of Love
Is God’s love strange? I suppose it would seem so, given what the world thinks love is.

I Had a Dream
Trust in the Lord, stand on His promises, and completely believe.

A Christian poem that reminds us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and not to be distracted by the lures of the world.

In the Mirror
What do you see when YOU look in the mirror?

Is Jesus Christ YOUR superhero?

A Christian poem about God’s grace and how it is extended to everyone–even those who purposely travel far from Him.

Andy’s Story
A life consistently lived for Jesus Christ can have a significant impact on observers.

Are you a cosy Christian?

When people get too close, do you put on a mask or are you real?

Are you a prisoner?

Emergency, Emergency, 9-1-1
A poem remembering our lost and reminding us where our focus needs to be–on the One who saves.

Tragedy too Great to Bear
With September 11 fast approaching, it’s time to remember those we lost and pray for those who still suffer.

Depressed? Alone? Tired? Afraid? Take heart–God thinks you are great.

Trust God and step out in faith. Embrace change.

The Cross >
Think on the cross of Christ and what it means to you.

Shaking the Dust
A Christian poem dedicated to a woman who doggedly ministers to the women of her church, as well as to anyone with whom she might share the gospel.

Into the Harvest
God’s Spirit is alive and moving.

The Old Man
What would you do if Jesus came to YOUR town?

Abide in Me
As Christ-followers, we always have support when times get tough.

How much time do you spend reading the manual God has provided for you?

Satan loves a lazy, lifeless church. He can just sit back and enjoy the show. But when the church is alive and thriving, he’s actively attempting to thwart God’s work.

Autonomous Man
We are strong. We forge our own identities and manage our own fate! We don’t need a god to save us. Do we?

Do You Know My Jesus?
Joan’s poem describes the completed work Jesus did for us on the cross. Have you considered His sacrifice? Have you given Him your all?

An Invitation from the Master Gardener
God invites all to come to Him. And He waits patiently for all to respond to His invitation.

The Devil in the Confessional Box
Satan knows what he’s doing and he’s out to get you.

A Sinner Saved by His Amazing Grace
This Christian poem poem describes how God reaches down and plucks us right out of Satan’s grasp.

As We Grow and Wish to Glow
A Christian poem about how we can live a life that truly matters.

Confession of a Ransomed Man
A Christian poem that describes how God freed a man from the shackles of sin and death.

First Time
From the very moment we’re conceived, God is there with us, watching and waiting. And He will never stop waiting for us to turn to Him and accept His amazing gift of life.

Liz James
Tim was one of the privileged ones to know Liz James well. She lived a quiet but influential life. This poem was written in her memory.

Anglicans Anonymous
Mike can write a poem like this because he’s British (I think). But the message is more global: if we have the good news, we should share it.

Kingdom Tyres
Kingdom Tyres — the place to go when you need a spiritual recharge.

Wedding Festival
A Christian poem. What will it be like when we finally see our God face to face?

The River
Jesus — the provider of grace and mercy.

His Birth
A Christmas poem about the birth of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ created colors. Blues, yellows, greens — and crimson red. A Christian poem by Mark Tinjum.

The Finest Hour
What has been your life’s finest hour? An anonymous Christian poem.

He’ll Move Your Mountain
God is the same God who parted the Red Sea and who saved Daniel from the lions. He can still move mountains. Trust Him.

What Kind of Apples?
A Christian poem that reminds us that the fruit of the Spirit should be seen in our lives.

Jesus died, rose, and ascended into heaven where He is preparing a home for those who believe in Him.

Freedom Reigns
God gave the USA her freedom and He could just as easily take it away.

A poem about coming back to God — about realizing that He is everything we will ever need and giving our lives to Him.

This poem reminds us that God isn’t through with us.

Bullies Molding
We are all unique and special to God.

I Am Alive
We are alive because Jesus gave His life for us.

Hard Drive
A poem about our need to keep our eyes fully on Jesus.

God loves us. He chose us. This poem reminds us of that.

A poem that answer a simple question: why did God pick us to accomplish His work in this world?

The U in Jesus
U are a big part of God’s plan. A clever poem.

Make Me Strong Oh Lord
A prayer to God . . . for the strength to resist temptation.

Ensnared and at Peace
A poem about what it’s like to be caught in the net of Jesus’ love.

Did Jesus Die in Vain?
Did Jesus die in vain? Not for those who believe in His name.

My Cry
A poem about finding hope.

Life or Death
Regardless of how deep we are mired in sin, God will still provide a way of escape.

Resurrection Day
Resurrection Day. The most important of days.

I Gaze
It’s easy to say, “I’m a Christian.” Does your life really reflect that statement?

Forgive Yourself
We need to remind ourselves that the past is the past. We’re forgiven. We are new creations.

If God can use Rahab, who was a prostitute, then He can use me . . . even though I fail Him often.

Forgive Me, I’ve Forgotten
How easily we forget what Jesus Christ has done for us.

The Christmas Story
Christmas is almost here. What do you plan on doing? Going into debt? Eating lots of food? Getting together with family? Whatever you do, don’t forget Jesus.

Who knows?
Who knows what’s really happened in my life? Nobody knows except the God who knows all — yet He still loves me enough to call me His own.

Christmas is Coming
Mike sends us a poem about Christmas — reminding us that it’s not about the money we spend but about the One who gave us life. What will you be focused on this Christmas?

My Mom
This poem tells the intimate story of a mom’s love for Jesus and the lasting impact of that love.

Only Jesus
I think the title says it all.

Three Nails
Jesus was pierced for our transgressions. This poem reminds us that it was our sin that put him there.

The Cross
What does the cross mean to you?

A special shout-out goes to Mike, one of my favorite poets. His work is cleverly-written and always points people where they need to be pointed — toward Jesus Christ.

Jesus Loves You
This poem illustrates the great love that Jesus has for each and every one of us. He died so that we might have life.

Everlasting Savior
Jesus Christ is our everlasting savior.

Remember Me
We often forget about God, talking to Him only when we need something or are in times of distress. What sort of relationship is that?

The Great Divide
This poem reminds us that we have a choice. Choose life and live or . . .

The Rich Man and Lazarus
A Christian poem that tells the story about the rich man and Lazarus. Not only does the poem tell the story, but it makes a powerful argument in favor of salvation.

In the End
When all is said and done, Jesus will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more suffering, no more pain, and death will finally die.

What I Am, Jesus Is More

Jesus suffered and died to cleanse us from all unrighteousness; we should give our lives back to Him.

From a Dark Corner
No matter what your circumstances, God will hear your cries for help.

A poem that reminds us that God has a plan for our lives. He offers salvation to all, regardless of past experiences. Open up and let Him in.

Untitled Poem
A poem about trusting in God.

Untitled Poem #2
A poem and a prayer.

Untitled Poem #3
In this poem, Emily expresses hope that God will use her to bring others to a saving knowledge of the Jesus of the Bible.

This poem is a cry to God.

Christ Love
With the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts we can live a fulfilled life.

New Year
I realize it’s not near the beginning of a new year so this poem can motivate you for the rest of the year!

What reasons do we have to love Jesus? This poem gives us a few.

God Cares
God cares about you and me. His Word illustrates the point nicely.

Jesus – Our Hope
Jesus is our hope, our healer and the director of our lives. A Christian poem.

Give Me a Friend
Jesus Christ offers a friendship like no other. Do you know Him? A Christian poem by Cinda.

Blessed Storms
As we press onward through life’s storms, our faith becomes stronger and we develop perseverance.

Homeland Security
As Christians, our homeland security director will never make any mistakes.

Free Gift of Salvation
A Christian poem that explains, simply, the free gift of salvation given to us by Jesus Christ.

Where Is the Peace?
We can choose life or death. My suggestion is to choose life, and live.

I Cannot Know
Am amazingly clever poem about logic and the truth.

Unnamed Poem
A poem that reminds us that God’s path for us is not always the one we’d choose.

God’s glory wasn’t always revealed in displays of power; it was revealed in His sinless life.

The Dusty Old Book
This poem spoke to me because there are times when I neglect God’s Word. But it contains life; we need to open it, read it and live it.

The Sign of the Bow
When you see a rainbow, remember God’s promise to us.

Jesus Came to Save
Cindy has a way of presenting the gospel in concise, poetic form. A poem that reminds us of Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth.

His Feet
His feet, oh those beautiful that were nailed to the cross just so I would not be lost.

Jesus Paid My Debt
A poem that reminds us of the significant debt that Jesus paid for us.

We build our lives with such care only to see that everything is temporary and without meaning. Jesus waits for us; He wants to give our lives significance.

No Substitute
The world can offer us various solutions to our pain: drugs, sex, music, food . . . sure, such things can make you feel better, but only temporarily. Only God offers real, lasting fulfillment.

A poem that reminds us of the signficance of Easter. Like so many holidays, this one has been completely maligned and turned into something frivolous. This poem was sent in around Easter – this shows you how slow I am to post things!

God’s Gift
This poem lays out the story of salvation and what you need to do to receive God’s gift of eternal life.

God’s True Beauty
A poem of grief and remembrance. Jesus gave man life – and his creation killed him in cold blood.

Jesus is the Way
The poem tells it like it is. Jesus died for us to give us eternal life. We must repent and believe in Him to receive that gift. He is the only way. Amen.

Tears in Crystal Vials
It’s easy to focus on our pain in this life. But someday, for those of us who trust in Jesus Christ, there will be no more pain or tears. This poem reminds us of that.

Strong in You Lord
Relying on our own strength will ultimately cause us to fail. We need to rely on God.

And God Cried
This poem reminds us of God’s love for us – and His desire to interact intimately with His children.

The Master Painter
This poem conjures up a picture of Jesus’ hand moving upon the face of our world.

This poem by Mike reminds us that the Christian faith is not about a list of rules – it’s about a relationship with the Jesus of the Bible.

Mercy Me
A poem about overcoming ever-present temptations through trust in God.

A Sinless Man — A Sinner’s Death
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and died a sinner’s death — for us.

Savior on the Cross
Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross – because of our sins. Cindy’s poem reminds us of the price Jesus paid.

We Remain
Because of Jesus Christ we have eternal life.

As Jesus Hung
When Jesus was crucified, he watched and listened to the two thieves as they died with Him. One chose life; one chose death. Which will you choose?

My Brother the King
This poem takes us on a journey from creation to the present.

Sometimes our prayer lives can become rote and boring. Don’t let it happen!

Mike’s Christian poem reminds us to carefully examine our lives. Are we really serving Him?

My Everything
A Christian poem that reminds us that Jesus gives our lives meaning. He is everything to us.

Who Am I?
A Christian poem about someone who’s afraid to come out of their shell.

Parable of the Fern and the Bamboo Tree
Vinita sent us a poem about trusting God. He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

Emily’s poem about the blessings of God.

Brought to Enlightenment
Joe’s most recent submission reminds us of the power of prayer and faith.

Greed to Seed
A Christian poem about the lure of money.

A Christian poem about grace, by Keith Wallis.

Another sweet poem from Mike. If you’re wallowing in sin, remember – there’s only one answer – Jesus.

Mike’s poem reminds us that there is a way out of the cycle of despair and sin.

Who Specified this Beautiful Day?
A Christian poem about the overarching supremacy of God.

Soft Scoop
Through the word picture of an everyday activity, this poem reminds us to be patient! What an entertaining reminder.

by still waters
A poem about the peace that a relationship with the Jesus of the Bible brings.

It’s easy to trust in medication when we’re sick. But our faith and reliance must ultimately be in Jesus Christ, not in our medicine.

Hold on to Jesus
Hetty’s poem about learning to trust in Jesus — even through difficult times.

Departed for Glory
A poem about the pain and grief experienced when a loved one passes contrasted with the joy of meeting our Savior.

Broken No Longer
A though-provoking poem about body unity. I’ve never read one quite like it. Tim seems to have quite the imagination.

Bound for Hell
A Christian poem about hell.

Christ Has Come
A short poem about the birth of Christ.

A Finished Course
A poetic response to II Timothy.

What Christmas Means to Me
Tinsel and gifts don’t define Christmas. This poem portrays a man dedicated to understanding the true meaning of the season . . . Jesus Christ.

God’s beauty is all around us. We just have to open our eyes to see. Another Christian poem by Mark.

Autumn Commemoration
Tim writes a poem about Autumn . . . and the feelings we feel when the skies begin to darken. But it was not Autumn when despair struck our planet . . .

Sunday’s Coming
A powerful Christian poem about hope – by Scot Crone.

Prism to our Past
A Christian poem about Biblical archaeology.

Silent Words are Useless
A Christian poem about praising God.

Forgive Me Lord
A Christian poem about forgiveness.

The Servant’s Way
A Christian poem by Mark. Jesus provided a perfect example of a sinless servant. We would do well to take notice.

Prelude to the Cross
Mark gives us a poetic picture of the night Jesus was betrayed.

A Lamb Among Wolves
The one time in history in which the prosecutors were truly the ones on trial – captured in a moving poem.

A Lesson From A Tree
If you serve God, you will be tested. A poem by Tim.

I Have Sinned
A Christian poem that reminds us how much power sin can hold over our lives.

The God Who Speaks
Our God still speaks to us today. Tim’s poem reminds us to be still and listen for God’s voice.

Be Still . . .
Do you allow Jesus to guide and direct your life? This inspirational poem will remind you to keep your focus.

Your Help Comes From the Lord
Jesus will listen to your plea for help. An inspirational Christian poem by Marlene.

If you seek Him, you will find Him. He is stronger than any addiction.

What I Could Not Do
A Christian poem portraying how Jesus purchased our pardon and redeemed us from sin and death.

Dust and Destiny
This poem reminds us that the fact that we’re here is no accident.

Chained to Myself
Sometimes it seems as if we’re chained to our sin. But through the power of the cross we have been set free.

A Sinner Like Me
We aren’t perfect but Jesus still accepts us – this poem helps us remember that.

When Death Marches Through the Land
Death has been defeated – a powerful poem.

Why I’m Praising the Lord
We all have reasons to praise the Lord!

Through Christ You Can Do All Things
A poem of encouragement from Marlene.

Drugged and Delivered
Jesus saved Marlene from drugs and addiction . . . this poem tells her story.

Through Different Eyes
This poem shows us that just like Mary Magdalene, we can all experience the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

During the good times of Memorial Day weekend, this poem reminds us of all those who gave their life so we could have a good holiday. May yours be just that.

Yet There is Hope
The Christian walk requires that we stay close to our Savior. He alone can save us from sin.

The Trade
A poem about our Great God & Savior Jesus Christ – fully God and fully man.

Victory Through Suffering
Jesus Christ gave his life for us. It’s our reasonable service to give our lives to Him.

One and the Other
This poem illustrates that just like the thief on the cross, Jesus will also forgive us, if we only ask.

A Christmas Poem
This poem caught my eye and the author, Isaac Yip, gave me permission to present it on my site. Down with Santa!

‘Twas the Beginning of Advent
This poem reminds us to forget the commercial hype this Christmas season and live for Jesus!

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